
Showing posts from 2015

My last week as a full time missionary...

Silly selfies on the last day with my iPad.     Fun family, the Yanda's.   This week was really great! we were able to do a lot of really great work. A lot of the members here share the gospel with their friends which is so amazing! We were able to teach a man named Brad, who was a referral from a member in Fort Worth. This member had been sharing the gospel with Brad for a while but he wasn't ever acting on it. So she invited us over to "ambush" him. He handled it really well and promised to really give it a try and is going to read the Book of Mormon.   We set an appointment for Thursday this week. I'm sad that I'll miss it. We had a lot of good contact with non-members and were able to do quite a bit of service for the community and for members of the ward. I learned how to store and seal Mylar bags full of wheat. :)   So you as you might know, I'm coming home on Thursday. It's so weird! I'm sad that my mission is endi...

Texas U-turns

Last picture with my district, trying to look cool.  :)   Hello everyone!   This week was really good. It was pretty up and down actually, Sister Booher's back is still really hurting. I feel like we made the best of it though.    On Friday we were able to see a lot of people. We saw a less active sister and two of our recent converts, as well as being able to teach a member present in one of our members home. The Brewer family is working with their neighbors and we were able to teach their 11 year old boy named Alex. He is really smart and respectful. We're making plans this week to go and talk to his parents to see if they might be interested, or at the very least if they'll let us teach Alex.   We also had a really cool experience where we were on our way to go and see a less active sister in the ward. Before we left we prayed that we'd be able to have missionary experiences on the way. As we were driving we saw a man walking ...

Some weeks are uneventful...

 Me and Sister Ames   "In all of living have much fun and laughter, life is meant to be ENJOYED, not just endured."~Gordon B Hinkley   Singing my little heart out. :)   We had a pretty good week this week, it was just kind of uneventful. The ward had a big pancake breakfast for the 4th of July which was fun.   We also had a really good lesson with Logan and his mom about the temple and how we need to keep the commandments to prepare to go there.   We had zone conference this week which was amazing. My mission president is such an amazing man, I respect him so much. He and his wife are so cute too. Sister Ames is such a great woman. A lot of people say that missionaries aren't only called to a mission, but to their mission president too and I think that's so true! I believe that it's part of the reason that I had to wait to receive my answer about whether or not I should serve a mission, because President Ames wouldn't hav...


 Hurrah for Ward Mission Leaders who send mom's pictures! :)  iPad Selfie!    She did this to spite me, I'm sure.  iPad Training...the WHOLE mission.  Where in the world is Lindsey Morrill?  Some of the Texas countryside.   This week was pretty good. None of the things that we planned to do really happened, but we were able to stay positive and maintain a good feeling. I know the people that we were able to meet with and teach felt the spirit and were changed.   We had a really good lesson with Logan and his mom on Tuesday. His mom has been struggling a bit with the word of wisdom, but is living every other commandment that she needs to. We were able to have a really good honest conversation with her about it. The spirit was with us so strongly, and I was able to feel it work through me and my companion. I am always so grateful for experiences like this. It is a witness to me that I am being an effective ...

Member Missionary!!

This week was pretty good! Sister Booher and I are doing well. She is hilarious and I just love her!   We found 3 new investigators which made us really happy. Well I guess we actually re-found Joseph. We stopped by his house and he and his mother were there. It was actually kind of strange because he just acted like nothing had happened. His mother who is a former investigator seemed interested in talking again. So we were able to teach them and we are going to see them again this week. I hope it goes well. God works in mysterious ways.    Then we also found this other lady whose name is Penny. She was a member referral. One of the members of the ward is pretty close friends with Penny. Penny didn't really want anything to do with Mormons the first time that she met this member. After they became friends she seemed to soften up a bit, but still wanted nothing to do with the missionaries. This member was finally able to get us over there because we offered...

Last Transfer Ever!

So transfer news is that neither Sister Booher or I are getting transferred! My final transfer will be here in Azle! Should be awesome, I'm really excited for what this next transfer is going to bring. We had a really good week this week! On Monday Logan taught us about the plan of salvation. It was so awesome! He gave us all these awesome hand outs that he came up with by himself. He also blessed the sacrament this week in both the Azle ward and in the YSA. I'm so proud of him! He's going to keep doing amazing things! We were also able to meet with Maverick again this week. He's gone to the YSA branch twice now and seems to really enjoy it there! We're excited for him. We got to teach him about the restoration and Logan and his mom came to help us teach. They did really well and Maverick and Caleb seem to be good friends already. Logan is truly blessing a lot of people's lives here!   We're still trying hard to find more people to teach. We...


    This week was a bit stressful to be honest, however I feel that I've learned lots of good things from it. Basically our week went absolutely nothing like we had planned. Our district leader told us that God just had a different plan than we did. I think that's true. We were able to provide a lot of service this week which was really good. We serve regularly here at the local food pantry and we were able to come in on days when they were really understaffed and were able to help out a lot. We also had the chance to help a new member of the ward move in. It was a good missionary opportunity because his wife is not a member of the church and now she knows that there's a good community of people here who are willing to help them.   We also had a big mission wide training on the iPad's that we'll be receiving this week! It was really good and spiritual. They talked a lot about how the skills we learn about technology on our missions will help us to us...

Stuck in the mud

Logan got baptized! It was really great! All the speakers at his baptism did wonderful. They were very spirit led. The ordinance itself was a little funny because Logan is a kind of big guy and the person baptizing him is quite a bit smaller than him. Plus the font was draining a little during the program so by the time they got in the water it was about mid thigh on Logan. So when it came time to actually perform the baptism, Logan slipped and basically was just dropped into the water. It probably shouldn't have been funny...but it was kind of funny. :)    We also had interviews with President Ames this week which was really great. As usual. I had been worrying about the fact that I was going to be going home soon, but he was able to reassure me that going home isn't the scariest thing in the world, and that I really didn't have a ton to worry about. So yay! Now I feel like I can really just focus on making the remainder of my time on the mis...

sorry, this seems like a lame email....

We had a really good week this week! We were able to teach a lot of new people and we were also able to teach Logan quite a bit. Logan is still going strong and is still set to be baptized this Saturday ! We're so excited! I just know that his heart is so sincere and that he's really ready to make this commitment. What's also really cool is that on the same day as his baptism the primary is having a family primary temple trip where they're going to get to meet the temple president and tour the grounds of the temple. Logan and his mom are going to get to go too! I just know it will be such a wonderful experience for them, and will really help them both to set their eyes on the temple!  I'm just so excited for them and for how they are accepting the gospel and letting it change their lives! That's probably one of my favorite things about being a missionary is seeing how the gospel has changed people's lives. It's always so individual and so pe...

The book is blue...and also true!

This week was pretty dang great! Although we did get sick, so that wasn't as great. It still turned out to be a really good week though. We set a baptism date with Logan! He will be getting baptized on May 23rd ! He is seriously so ready for it. He actually wanted to be baptized on the 11th, but we still had to teach him everything so sadly we had to suggest a later day. He's just so awesome! That's really my only exciting news. Since we got sick we weren't able to get out and work as much as I would have liked. We spent some time visiting members of the ward and less active members. We're currently working on getting in contact with a lot of our investigators because they seem to have disappeared. Joseph and Michael have both sort of disappeared. I'm confident though that we'll be able to get in touch with them again and at least see where they are at. Sister Booher and I are getting a long really well. I just love her! She helps ...

This week...

This week has been really good. Sister Booher is awesome! She is so hilarious and we are having lots of fun together. Let's see. We taught Logan this week about the plan of salvation. He's so solid. He just told us that it all makes sense to him. We asked him when he thought he'd be ready to be baptized and he told he'd think about it. We're going to see him on Tuesday and we're hoping he'll have a day in mind. We met with Joseph as well, he's going through a really hard time right now. We also tried to contact a lot of people but didn't see a ton of success. We'll just keep on trying. The work is really picking up in this area though, I know that we're going to see a lot of miracles this transfer. Thanks for your support. Sorry this is so short! The gospel is true! Love, Sister Morrill

More Miracles!

 Shark nails!!  Azle Zone...minus the striped Sister on the  Azle Zone  Got my "trunky" package already....what??    So transfer news is...that I am staying! Which we pretty much figured would happen because Sister Meiners is going home. I'm super excited to stay! I love this ward. My new companion's name is Sister Booher. She's coming from the Arlington 2nd ward! So that makes me really happy. Sister Carbno actually trained sister Booher so I've heard about her before and she sounds really awesome. It's going to be a great transfer! This week was really amazing! We saw a lot of miracles! We had 3 investigators come to church! And we found 2 new investigators this week. A couple of weeks ago we started teaching the Brady family. They're a part member couple, Sister Brady hasn't been to church for a while and Brother Brady isn't a member, but he's been taught by missionaries in the past. The...

Crazy things happen when you go to the church on a Wednesday night.

    Scary looking clouds... Lead to muddy roads.... And very muddy tires.... And shoes!!       Hello! This week was pretty good. It feels like a lot happened but also that nothing really happened. It's one of those weirdo weeks haha.   I guess the only thing special to really talk about this week was Wednesday . So Wednesday we were home for dinner and were wondering what we should specifically do after dinner. We had some plans but nothing set. We started feeling like we should go over to the church because it was mutual night and a lot of youth bring their friends. Plus there was a less active lady we needed to get in contact with and she might be there. So we end up going to the church. The less active lady we wanted to see wasn't there, but we also needed a new ward roster so we asked for one and had to wait a little while for it to print and stuff. While we're waiting for the roster a member of the ward comes ...

Lost sheep

If you look close, there is a sheep in the back of this truck! (Click on it)   We had some good things happen this week. We were finally able to have a real appointment and lesson with our investigator named Michael. I don't know if I've even talked about him before. The sisters here have been working with him for while. He's got a good testimony, but he's had a really hard life and has some things in his past holding him up for baptism. We've only had one lesson with him since I've been here and it was a very short one. After that we kept having scheduling conflicts and weren't able to meet with him. So we finally got to sit down and have a lesson with him on Friday . It was so good! We brought our new Elders Quorum President over with us and he was just perfect! He was exactly the kind of friend that Michael needed. Michael just seemed to feel a lot better after our lesson with him which was really good to see. We were worried that he w...

Happy General Conference! And Easter!

    We watched conference at the church on Saturday, and on Sunday we watched it with a really sweet family named the Gilchrist's. It was really good. I love Elder Holland's talk as well as President Uchtdorf's talk about Grace. I just love learning more about Grace!   This week was pretty good. On Thursday we had dinner with our ward mission leader and Bob and Jill. Bob has lots of questions and they have both agreed to meet with us so we can teach them the discussions! We're really excited! We're still trying to work out a time, but we're hoping that we can meet with them this week!   And really that's the only super notable thing this week. We went on exchange with our Sister Training Leaders which was really good. And yeah, we tried to find some people to teach and saw some members and that's all I have to say really.   I feel like I've definitely learned a lot about my weaknesses though, which is great because ...

Baby turtles and a drunk guy....

 Baby turtle!  Halloween Costume??  Are potatoes supposed to do this? This week was really good! I'm still loving Azle and Sister Meiners so much. This is really a great place!   Tuesday was a really awesome day! We had an auto training meeting in Colleyville, and it was really cool to be back in my first stake. We got these things put into our cars called "TIWI". The monitor the cars speed, seat belt usage, and if there's any aggressive driving going on, then it yells at us when we do any of those things. Well not really yells, but "mentors". Either way, it's scary when it happens haha. I'm glad I'm not driving. While those were being installed though we had a meeting with President Ames where we talked all about finding new people to teach and the new Because He Lives initiative. The spirit was so strong. President Ames is just so amazing and loves us all so much. It definitely motivated us to do better at tal...

Country Life!

      This week has been really great! I just love Azle! It's lots of pretty country and you know what the country is full of? Animals! All over the place. It makes my heart so happy! So of course there's going to be lots of animal pictures from here on out. Let's see, what happened this week? Tuesday was a good day. I was able to say good-bye to some good people. Had one last lesson with Alison. She told us that she would for sure be coming to church, I felt pretty confident that she was over her concerns of coming to church. I hope her and family actually made it!  On Wednesday I had to wake up at 3 in the morning to get ready and make sure I had all my stuff. Then we had to be at the Killeen Stake Center by 5 to make sure that all our stuff got loaded so that we could be on the road by 9. I was really tired that day! Then I met up with Sister Meiners and we headed off to Azle. Sister Meiners is just so awesome! I absolutely love her....


Killeen zone just before this week's transfers. So. My time at Copperas Cove has come to an end. On Wednesday I will be heading up north to go to Azle! My new companion's name will be Sister Meiners. I think I've actually met her a couple of times before so it should be good! Azle was Sister Larsen's last area so she's been telling me all about it. It's a cute country place, which means there will be lots of dogs, so I'm pretty excited haha. This week was pretty good. We were able to see quite a few people that we haven't been able to see in a little while like Emma and Ariel and Sebastian. We were able to take a sister in the ward with us to see Emma and they both really hit it off! So we're pretty excited for that. We really did quite a bit of work this week, and saw lots of good people. There's just nothing extraordinary I feel like I need to talk about. Which sounds kind of bad, but is true haha. I'm sad to be le...

This week!

  Texas shaped tortilla chips! We built a fort.  As Lehi received inspiration as he dwelt in a tent, so did we!  :)   So. This week and the week before were a bit crazy, but it's all good!  We found a new investigator named Alison! She's really awesome! Her husband is a member and recently got back from deployment. He's been less active for quite a while but is interested in coming back. Alison told the military relations couple here that she'd be interested in taking the missionary lessons again and so we showed up at her door and she invited us right in! She's such a neat lady and is very welcoming and friendly. Alison really likes the idea that families can be together forever and seems to really want that for her family. She actually took the missionary lessons a few years back but had some hang-ups and decided not to join. She's told us that she feels like she could get over those hang-ups now and we're already seeing that happe...

Miracle Bladders!

    This has been another hard week, but it's had lot of good moments and we've still seen a lot of miracles. I know that God loves us because even on the hardest of weeks or the hardest of moments he still sends us miracles, and I know that it's because of our faith that we are able to see that. We saw Emma again and were able to have a really good lesson with her. We were able to ask lots of questions and basically reset expectations with her. It was truly a miracle because we've been praying and praying that we'd be able to have a normal conversation with her, because she's got a lot on her plate and usually takes up most of the time telling us about the things going on in her life. It was really amazing because I could feel the spirit working through us throughout the lesson. I was really able to feel it work through me which was a tender mercy because I'd been losing a little bit of confidence in my teaching skills. After we saw...