This week!

Texas shaped tortilla chips!

We built a fort.  As Lehi received inspiration as he dwelt in a tent, so did we!  :)
So. This week and the week before were a bit crazy, but it's all good!  We found a new investigator named Alison! She's really awesome! Her husband is a member and recently got back from deployment. He's been less active for quite a while but is interested in coming back. Alison told the military relations couple here that she'd be interested in taking the missionary lessons again and so we showed up at her door and she invited us right in! She's such a neat lady and is very welcoming and friendly. Alison really likes the idea that families can be together forever and seems to really want that for her family. She actually took the missionary lessons a few years back but had some hang-ups and decided not to join. She's told us that she feels like she could get over those hang-ups now and we're already seeing that happening. Alison was always iffy about Joseph Smith but after we talked about it with her and after she talked about it with her husband she believes that he truly is a prophet! She's so cool! So we're really excited about her and hope that she will keep progressing.
This week we had interviews with President Ames which were so great! We also had lots of meetings because we've gotten some new leadership in our ward and we needed to meet with them to discuss the needs of those that we are working with. We were also able to get in to contact with a few people that we haven't seen for a while, which always feels pretty good. Let's see.
Oh, we were able to meet with Felix on Saturday. That boy, I swear. He's still really struggling. It's hard because he has history of severe depression and there's only so much we can really do. So when we meet with him he starts complaining about all the unfair things in his life. I won't go into details about them, but it's some stuff that I've had to deal with in my life and the fact that he was using them as excuses to not live the gospel was making me so mad! Like, I'll be honest, there have been very few times that I've been THAT mad in my life. Like I couldn't speak I was so mad, but then I started praying that the Lord would soften my heart so that we could teach Felix what he needed to hear, because neither Sister Larsen or I really knew what to say, and after a few minutes my anger turned into, I don't know if you'd call it love, but I was able to speak by the spirit and I was able to testify of the power of deliverance. I felt so powerful! It's really cool to be able to feel the power of your words as you speak. I don't know if they really sank in to his heart though, but I know that we did the best that we could. It was truly a tender mercy because these last couple of weeks I had felt like I couldn't teach by the spirit anymore, because I was allowing myself to have a negative attitude had distanced myself from it. Prayer really works! I just have to remember to focus outward and not inward.
Deliverance and how the Lord always keeps his promises is what really is sticking out to me in the Book of Mormon as I'm reading it right now. There are so many countless examples of the Lord delivering His righteous people in the scriptures. It's amazing! We just have to be humble, have faith, and be patient. When we do those things we will always be able to see the arm of the Lord in our lives. It's amazing! There's a scripture I found in my studies today and that I love and want to share.
Alma 5:33

"Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you."

It's so true! He will always be there and he will always receive us as we are humble and have faith that causes us to repent! The Lord truly loves us! Jesus Christ truly did die for our sins and our weaknesses so that he can know how to succor and deliver us! What more do we have to be grateful for in this life? Gratitude is a choice. That's another thing I rediscovered this week. How we react to situations is our choice because of the atonement of Christ. We can choose to be miserable or we can choose to be happy! It blows my mind every time and I'm sure that this is a choice I will struggle with for quite a long time, but I always feel better when I choose to be happy. I know I can do that because of faith in my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know they live and love each and every one of us!

-Sister Morrill


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