More Miracles!

 Shark nails!!
 Azle Zone...minus the striped Sister on the
 Azle Zone

Got my "trunky" package already....what??

So transfer news is...that I am staying! Which we pretty much figured would happen because Sister Meiners is going home. I'm super excited to stay! I love this ward. My new companion's name is Sister Booher. She's coming from the Arlington 2nd ward! So that makes me really happy. Sister Carbno actually trained sister Booher so I've heard about her before and she sounds really awesome. It's going to be a great transfer!

This week was really amazing! We saw a lot of miracles! We had 3 investigators come to church! And we found 2 new investigators this week. A couple of weeks ago we started teaching the Brady family. They're a part member couple, Sister Brady hasn't been to church for a while and Brother Brady isn't a member, but he's been taught by missionaries in the past. The awesome thing is that they both came to church this week! We had a really awesome lesson with them on Tuesday that a member of the ward came with us to. The spirit was there so strong and I think the Brady's faith was really lifted. They have a lot of challenges. Brother Brady works about 10 hour days everyday except for Sunday. So by Sunday he's pretty exhausted and it's his only free day to really do things around the house. Plus their both a bit older and have some health issues. However they did not let that stop them from coming to church! It was really good to see them there, and so many of the ward members just welcomed them and loved them. It was really great!

Sadly Joseph wasn't able to make it to church this Sunday, but we were able to teach him a really great lesson on Wednesday and he was able to get a priesthood blessing that he's told us has really helped him out. He's so willing to read and pray, I think we just need to teach him a little more about church and why it's so important.

Michael came to church too! He's been really busy lately and we haven't been able to see him much, but we were very glad to see him there.

Then one of our new investigators named Logan came to church as well. Logan is the son of one of our members named Sister Black. Sister Black has been going through some really hard things lately so Logan is visiting her from Missouri. They're both really amazing people. Sister Black has been so strong despite all of the adversity that she's been going through. We met Logan last Sunday after he'd just gotten into town. The funny thing is was that we thought he was already a member. So we went to visit Sister Black on Saturday to see how she was doing and to also prepare her because we were going to take her to see Joseph with us. While we were there we read Ether 12 with her and with Logan. Logan just grabbed a quad and even read out of it with us. So we say a prayer with them and leave and do some other things. About a half hour before we're going to have our lesson with Joseph, Sister Black texts us and asks if Logan can come and sit in on the lesson with us. Well of course! The more the merrier. 

We started to have the suspicion that maybe Logan wasn't a member, or that if he is that he might be less active. About two seconds later Joseph calls us and says that he wouldn't be able to make it to our lesson. :( So we let Sister Black know that, but then we ask her if Logan is interested in learning. She replied that he was, so we told her that we could teach him if he wants. Then she texts us back with "He said ya" and asks if we meant we could teach him tonight. We told her that our 7:30 had just opened up so if Logan wanted we could come over. AND we totally went over and taught Logan at 7:30. It was really amazing!

Logan is so prepared! He told us that he'd been praying for 3 months to find the right church to go to and that this church was the first one that he'd felt welcome at in years. He told us that basically he feels that this is the right church for him. We told him that he could really know by reading from the Book of Mormon and praying. Logan said our closing prayer in that lesson and prayed right then and there to know if the Book of Mormon was true. It was probably one of the most beautiful prayers of my life! He is so amazing! We'll be teaching him again on Tuesday. He's just such a miracle! We know that it will be so amazing for Sister Black to see her son join the church too! She could really use something good like this in her life. 

God is truly just so aware of us! It's amazing to see how he works his miracles and how are problems and trials are just leading us to the next greatest thing. God just loves us. I've really come to learn that on my mission. He loves us all so much, no matter what! We can overcome anything as long as we have faith in God and in His son Jesus Christ. What a miracle! 

Love you!

-Sister Morrill


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