Member Missionary!!
This week was pretty good! Sister Booher and I are doing
well. She is hilarious and I just love her!
We found 3 new investigators which made us really happy.
Well I guess we actually re-found Joseph. We stopped by his house and he and
his mother were there. It was actually kind of strange because he just acted
like nothing had happened. His mother who is a former investigator seemed
interested in talking again. So we were able to teach them and we are going to
see them again this week. I hope it goes well. God works in mysterious ways.
Then we also found this other lady whose name is
Penny. She was a member referral. One of the members of the ward is pretty
close friends with Penny. Penny didn't really want anything to do with Mormons
the first time that she met this member. After they became friends she seemed
to soften up a bit, but still wanted nothing to do with the missionaries. This
member was finally able to get us over there because we offered that we could
help Penny in her garden. So on Thursday we were able to go over and weed her
garden and share a short message! It was really neat. Then on Sunday the member
came up to us and said that Penny loved our message and thought that it was too
short. We're going to go over again this week and share a longer message with
Penny and her husband, and then help weed the yard some more. Serving others
really softens their hearts! It was really amazing!
We're seeing lots of miracles here! The members are doing
some good missionary work as well! We have two families that have been bringing
some friends to church that we're hoping to be able to meet with soon. We're
really being blessed for trying to work closely with the members of the ward
and doing our best to strengthen and uplift them. It's amazing because we
really tried to counsel with the Lord on how He wanted us to help this area,
and we felt impressed to try and work with the members more. As we've done so
we've seen a lot of miracles and felt a lot more trust in the ward here. It's
really cool to see how our prayers have been answered and how acting on
promptings of the spirit brings blessings. I know that we'll keep seeing the
work here increase. It's such a blessing to be a part of this great work. I was
having kind of hard time this week seeing how the Lord has blessed us and
seeing my importance as a missionary, but as I sat down to write about this
week it all just kind of hit me. We truly have been blessed, and I can feel
that there are more blessings coming. We just have to be patient, which is so
hard sometimes! It is worth it though.
I know that I am a daughter of God. We are all God's
children. I know that Christ lives and that He is my Savior. I don't know where
I'd be without that knowledge, but it certainly wouldn't be here and I wouldn't
even be and inch of the person that I am now. I'm grateful this gospel and the
blessings it has brought into my life. I'm grateful for my family, every single
person. I love them so much! The gospel path is truly the path to a joyful
life. Thanks for all of your support!
Sister Morrill
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