sorry, this seems like a lame email....

We had a really good week this week! We were able to teach a lot of new people and we were also able to teach Logan quite a bit. Logan is still going strong and is still set to be baptized this Saturday! We're so excited! I just know that his heart is so sincere and that he's really ready to make this commitment. What's also really cool is that on the same day as his baptism the primary is having a family primary temple trip where they're going to get to meet the temple president and tour the grounds of the temple. Logan and his mom are going to get to go too! I just know it will be such a wonderful experience for them, and will really help them both to set their eyes on the temple!  I'm just so excited for them and for how they are accepting the gospel and letting it change their lives! That's probably one of my favorite things about being a missionary is seeing how the gospel has changed people's lives. It's always so individual and so personal. I know that it's because the Savior suffered for our sins, pains, and afflictions on an individual and personal basis. I'm just so grateful for my Savior.

We're really working with the ward council and just working on finding people. Once Logan gets baptized we won't really have many other investigators. We recently had to drop quite a few because they've basically fallen off the face of the planet. We're going to have to push hard this week to talk to as many people as we can and find those who are prepared to hear the message o of the Restoration. I know that God will lead us to them as we trust in Him and work hard.

Something else that was really exciting is that we had a less active recent convert come to church this Sunday! His name is Maverick. Sister Larsen actually taught him and baptized him last September but then he stopped coming about a month after that. We were able to teach him this week and then he came to Sacrament meeting! It was really great!

We're seeing a lot of miracles here! I know that we will keep on seeing miracles. Because God is a God of miracles. The gospel is true!

Love ya!
-Sister Morrill

(My camera adapter isn't working this week, so I'll have to send pictures next week. They're mostly of goats anyways.) 


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