The book is blue...and also true!

This week was pretty dang great! Although we did get sick, so that wasn't as great. It still turned out to be a really good week though.

We set a baptism date with Logan! He will be getting baptized on May 23rd! He is seriously so ready for it. He actually wanted to be baptized on the 11th, but we still had to teach him everything so sadly we had to suggest a later day. He's just so awesome! That's really my only exciting news. Since we got sick we weren't able to get out and work as much as I would have liked. We spent some time visiting members of the ward and less active members. We're currently working on getting in contact with a lot of our investigators because they seem to have disappeared. Joseph and Michael have both sort of disappeared. I'm confident though that we'll be able to get in touch with them again and at least see where they are at.

Sister Booher and I are getting a long really well. I just love her! She helps push me to become a better person and a better missionary. I'm really trying to work on talking to everyone and just always trying to teach. Sister Booher really helps me because she's just not afraid to dive into the "awkward" situations.

I was thinking about it today and my mission has truly changed my life in so many ways! It all just kind of hit me at once. I'm a much happier person. I willing to try new foods and know the importance of being healthy and exercising. My testimony of the gospel has grown and I feel that I am becoming fully converted. There are so many other ways as well! I'm so grateful that I made the decision to come and so grateful for Heavenly Father in supporting me through it. I truly am so blessed! The gospel is true! The book is blue...and also true! Thanks for all your support! Love y'all!

-Sister Morrill


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