
This week was a bit stressful to be honest, however I feel that I've learned lots of good things from it. Basically our week went absolutely nothing like we had planned. Our district leader told us that God just had a different plan than we did. I think that's true. We were able to provide a lot of service this week which was really good. We serve regularly here at the local food pantry and we were able to come in on days when they were really understaffed and were able to help out a lot. We also had the chance to help a new member of the ward move in. It was a good missionary opportunity because his wife is not a member of the church and now she knows that there's a good community of people here who are willing to help them.


We also had a big mission wide training on the iPad's that we'll be receiving this week! It was really good and spiritual. They talked a lot about how the skills we learn about technology on our missions will help us to use technology better when we come home. It's so true already. I'm learning a lot from the booklets they gave us about being disciples in the digital age. The Lord is truly hastening his work!


We've been working with members quite a bit here and there a couple families who are really working with their friends to try to introduce them to the gospel. It's really amazing! Finding through the members is really the best way because it allows investigators to have a solid friendship in the ward and allows them to have someone who can answer any question they may have and help them as they make the changes necessary to become closer to Christ. Good things are starting to happen here! We've just got to be patient and righteously endure and do all we can.


Logan is still doing awesome, he's going to teach us the Plan of Salvation tonight which I'm really excited about. He's got such a great knowledge of the gospel already! He receive the priesthood this Sunday which was really great as well! Good things are happening for him!


I know that Christ lives and that He is my Savior. Through Him I have the power to endure my trials and to change and become better. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and that He loves all of you! This gospel is true! The Book of Mormon truly is the word of God and is proof that God always loves His people. Have a great week!



Sister Morrill


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