Crazy things happen when you go to the church on a Wednesday night.
Scary looking clouds...
Lead to muddy roads....
And very muddy tires....
And shoes!!
Hello! This week was pretty good. It feels like a lot happened but also that nothing really happened. It's one of those weirdo weeks haha.
I guess the only thing special to really talk about this week was Wednesday. So Wednesday we were home for dinner and
were wondering what we should specifically do after dinner. We had some plans
but nothing set. We started feeling like we should go over to the church because
it was mutual night and a lot of youth bring their friends. Plus there was a
less active lady we needed to get in contact with and she might be there.
So we end up going to the church. The less active lady we wanted to see wasn't
there, but we also needed a new ward roster so we asked for one and had to wait
a little while for it to print and stuff. While we're waiting for the roster a
member of the ward comes up to us and introduces us to this guy and his little
boy who had just walked into the church. The guy's name is Joseph and he wanted
some help. He told us that he'd been getting a bad feeling in his house and
wanted someone to come and pray over it. The member who introduced us to him
just tells him that we'll be able to help him and leaves! In my head I was like
"You're the one who holds the Priesthood dude, not us!" So we tell Joseph that
we'll do what we can and we set up a time to see him in like just an hour. Let's
just say, we're only a little weirded out haha. We called our ward mission
leader to come and help us and we went to Joseph's house. He lives with his mom,
but she wouldn't stay in the room with us even though it turned out that she'd
met with missionaries in the past. The best thing ever though was that
when we got inside their house it didn't feel like there was anything bad going
on. So we were able to talk with Joseph and make him feel a little bit better and
we said a prayer with our ward mission leader and he blessed the house. And now
we have a new investigator! Joseph really liked that we were so willing to help
him and he's interested in the message. So yeah, crazy things happen when you go
to the church on a Wednesday
Throughout the rest of the week we met with Joseph a couple more times, we
have to move pretty slow with him because he doesn't have much of a religious
background besides the fact that he believes in God. It can also be kind of hard
for him to focus. But he seems to be doing great and is keeping most of his
commitments. He didn't come to church yesterday though which was kind of sad.
Michael came though! Although bad news is that it sounds like he might be moving
to Fort Worth. He's having some difficulties with his landlord and is looking
for another place. So that's sad. And that's really all the interesting stuff
that happened this week. On Tuesday Sister Meiners went to the temple with all
the departing missionaries because the temple will be closed on transfer week.
So I stayed in Hudson Oaks with the Sister Training Leaders. It was kind of
funny to be in a trio again, especially with Sister Carbno there. So yeah that
was my week! It was a pretty good one. Still working on a lot of things, but who
isn't? We just get better every week that we try though. And I know that I'm
going to do so much better this coming week! It will be exciting. I'll have
transfer news next monday! This
transfer went my way too fast!
I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that the Book of Mormon is true!
We just finished reading it as a mission and man do I just love that book. It's
always sad when it's over, but the good thing is that I can just keep reading it
over and over! Have a great week!
Sister Morrill
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