Hurrah for Ward Mission Leaders who send mom's pictures! :)
iPad Selfie!
She did this to spite me, I'm sure.
iPad Training...the WHOLE mission. Where in the world is Lindsey Morrill?
Some of the Texas countryside.
This week was pretty good. None of the things that we planned to do really happened, but we were able to stay positive and maintain a good feeling. I know the people that we were able to meet with and teach felt the spirit and were changed.
We had a really good lesson with Logan and his mom on Tuesday. His mom has been struggling a bit with the word of wisdom, but is living every other commandment that she needs to. We were able to have a really good honest conversation with her about it. The spirit was with us so strongly, and I was able to feel it work through me and my companion.
I am always so grateful for experiences like this. It is a witness to me that I am being an effective tool in God's hands, and that's all that I desire to be.
Another amazing experience we had this week was with a woman named Shirley. Sister Booher and I were determined to go out and walk in a neighborhood so that we could talk to new people and find new people to teach. We were terrified though. We just felt really inadequate and I personally felt like my contacting skills were just non-existent. We were walking down the sidewalk and we saw Shirley working in her garden outside. She looked nice, but we were still afraid to approach her. We started to walk past her, but then went back and contacted her. She was so nice! She's had a lot of Mormon friends and had talked with the Elders before. She was very sweet and let us share a message with her and pray with her. She even gave us Gatorade which was really amazing. The Lord truly blessed us to be able to have a positive contacting experience. He really is so mindful of us will bless us for our willingness to do his will, despite our weakness and our fears. It really strengthened my testimony that if we just trust in the Lord and do his will, He will guide us and He will bless us.
I'm so grateful to be a part of this gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ is truly the way to happiness. As we surrender our wills to him, He will guide us and change us for the better. I know there is nothing better I could be doing right now than to have this opportunity to serve him full time. The things I am learning here will ultimately help me become a better disciple of Jesus Christ and I know it will bless me as I continue my journey though life. I am so grateful for my Savior and my loving Father in Heaven.
Hurrah for Israel!
-Sister Morrill
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