
Showing posts from September, 2014

Double Baptism!

BAPTISM! Let's see. Where do I start? Lots of exciting things are happening and are in the process of happening. I guess I'll start with transfer news. Transfers are this Wednesday and...Sister Lewis and I will both be staying...and we'll be joined by another sister! Trio time! It's going to be really interesting but I know it's what the Lord would have happen. It's going to be great! So we're currently in the process of reorganizing our apartment. One of the many miracles of the week is that we finally saw Lucy! It was kind of funny how it happened though. So we didn't have any members feeding us for dinner on Wednesday . We planned to go to one place but were way too full from a member feeding us lunch that day so we decided to go to McDonald's to just get a little snack type thing. We eat all our food and are about to leave when Lucy walks in! It was amazing. We didn't stay and talk with her too long, but it was ju...

The boy who lived....

      This week was pretty good! We met an awesome new investigator this week! he referred himself on and is soooooooo prepared! It's amazing! His name is Saul. He told us that he'd been going to a church somewhere else in Texas and that he'd gotten really close with them and felt like he was a lot happier. Then he had to move and hasn't gone back to a church since and has just felt like everything has been falling apart because of that. So the Spanish Elders actually knocked on his door and talked to him a little. Saul told us that he felt like he should just talk with them. So they talked and he liked what they had to say and then he got referred to us. He's been so amazing to talk to. He has a lot of questions about things in the bible and religion and when we answer them with restored truth he says that it all makes sense! We've told him a little bit about the apostasy and are excited to talk to him about the rest! He eve...

Crazy Week!

Cooled off this week!   So I didn't think I'd have that much to update y'all with on account of just talking to you a few days ago. I was wrong. These last 3 and half days have been crazy! So on Friday we had to drive our car to Euless to have some damage on it looked at. (We weren't in a car accident or anything, it just got scraped.) It was really awesome to be in my first area again! So we take the car to have pictures taken at a damage repair shop and then we go to the mission office to have our bike rack looked at. We got a bike rack a little while back, but it was too big for the hitch. So one of the Elders takes a look at it, and then tells us that we need to go to Uhaul so that they can look at the hitch and basically confirm that yes the hitch is too small. So we do that, and then they tell us that the bike rack is too big for the hitch. Then we drive back to the mission office where the office Elder sends us with two other Elders to go and...

Dallas Temple

The Bishop and his wife who took them to the temple today. At the Dallas temple Sisters for life! Yet another kitty! Yep, still love sharks! AHHHH!          I LOVE THE TEMPLE! This week was pretty awesome. The reason this update is so late is because we had the great privilege of going to the Dallas temple. We have to take that time out of our p-day and the temple isn't open on mondays so we have to take a different day for that so that we can go. Funny/awesome story. Sister Lewis and I stopped at QT (gas station) for a bathroom break and to get some drinks. As we're getting our drinks this guy asks us how we're doing and then introduces himself as "Brother Eddie". So we're like "Oh are you a member?" and he's like "No, but I'm a Christian" and so we proceeded to talk to him about his beliefs and then he asked us a bunch of questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint...

Week of Awesomeness!

  This is the cutest can see the genuine friends they have become! :)   Hello everyone! This week had been pretty awesome! On Tuesday we had interviews with our mission president. President Ames is too amazing! He gave me some really good advice and I also got a nice blessing from my Heavenly Father through him. The priesthood is so awesome and I'm so grateful that we have that power on the Earth today. God truly does love us. President Ames also came out to see Lucy with us along with a member of the stake presidency. It was a really great lesson, full of the spirit. We talked about why coming to church and reading and praying are so important. We set another baptismal date with Lucy for the 27th of September . Same day as Bobby and Mary's! That will be a wonderful day! We were also able to see Bobby and Mary on Tuesday and they are doing wonderful. They're so excited to get baptized! AND we also met with Chandler that day as well. It...