This week has had it's ups and downs, but it's all good.
did a lot of work with recent converts and less active members this week. We
also saw John this week and he's still on track for his baptism on the 20th!
He's really an awesome guy and has a strong testimony!
we saw this week:
Saturday was just a very rough day. None of our plans worked
out like we hoped they would and we had a lot of people just giving us some
opposition. It was 8 o clock and we couldn't think of anyone to go see. We
debated just going in early, because we felt so exhausted, and planning a really
good day for the next day or trying to find someone to see. We said a really
great prayer and a recently returning single sister's name popped into my
head. We texted her to see if we could stop by and she said she had just
gotten in to town from Austin and wouldn't be home for another ten minutes, but
we could come by then. So we go over and have a good conversation with her
and share our message about how God loves us and told her about how she'd been
an answer to our prayers because she just made us feel so much better about the
day we had had. She told us we were an answer to her prayers as well
because she'd been feeling really lonely and hadn't wanted to come home to an
empty house. It was really amazing! God truly does care for us and watch over
Then on
we were blessed to be able to help out in primary with singing time. Sister
Larsen did most of the work because I just don't know how to do singing time in
primary, but it was still lots of fun. We have a lot of cute kids in the
OH! And
Thursday was really good too! We had a big dinner with the
YSA and we had planned to just talk with them about the Holy Ghost. Maybe 5
minutes before the lesson Sister Larsen and I needed to run out to the car to grab
her Preach My Gospel. There were a lot of people at this dinner we didn't
normally see and who were struggling to return to activity, Felix being among
them. So when we get outside Sister Larsen turns to me and tells me that the
lesson we had planned didn't feel right anymore. I had had that feeling a little
earlier but got distracted by something else and didn't pay attention to it. So
I ask her if there's something else she feels we should share. We decide to say
a prayer because she didn't know what else to share, just that what we had
planned wasn't the right thing. After the prayer she brings up the scripture in
1 Nephi 1 about tender mercies. We both agree that it is what they need to hear
and pray for the spirit to guide us in what else the YSA members need to hear.
I felt this peace come upon me as we went back inside, although there was a
little bit of anxiety too, but like good anxiety. I just knew this was
going to be good. We share the scripture and a few people share examples of
tender mercies they've received. I could feel the spirit prompting me as
they spoke to tie it all into how we feel the spirit like we had originally
planned on teaching. I started to talk and got distracted by something one of
the members did. I paused for a long moment, trying to regain my thought and
just opened by mouth to say anything and I could feel the spirit fill it. I was
able to testify boldly of the spirit and how we need to make sure that we are
doing the right things in our lives so that we can feel it and that it can
reveal God's tender mercies to us. As I spoke I could feel the power of my
words. The only adequate way I could describe how I feel is that I felt like a
lion. It was really amazing to me. It was a powerful witness of faith and of the
divinity of Sister Larsen and I's callings in that moment. I'm grateful that we
were able to be instruments in the Lord's hands like this and be able to
recognize it.
I know that there were a lot more miracles we experienced this week.
I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who allows us so many miracles in our
lives. I know Heavenly Father loves us all so much and that He will send
angels and tender mercies into our lives to show us that. I know this
gospel is true. I know that there is no greater work than the Lord's, even when
it's hard. He is always there for us. I'm grateful for this knowledge I
have, because it helps me in the darkest moments. That is my testimony. I know
that the Savior lives! Have a great week!
-Sister Morrill
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