Caroling and such...
Me and Sister Lewis before she left for home. I will miss her!
I was sick this week with an upper respiratory infection which wasn't
fun, but we had as good a week as I think we could have. We saw a lot of people
that Sister Tuna wanted to say good bye to. We were able to see the Tylers and Cathy
and we also had dinner with our Bishop who is just the sweetest most hilarious
man ever. He's a baptist convert and has a really cool conversion story, I guess
he was even pretty anti-Mormon but was able to gain a testimony of more truth.
He didn't tell us all the story, but I'm excited to hear more. Then since I was
going to be the only sister left here in Killeen, I was able to drive up to
transfers with everyone to pick up Sister Larsen. I was able to see Sister Lewis
and Sister Carbno there! It was awesome. Then I met Sister Larsen who is just
hilarious and so patient and caring. Since I was so sick for a couple of days
last week we were able to have some good bonding time as we just tried to plan
for a really good next week. We're going to do awesome things this transfer. Oh
and we got to go caroling on Fort Hood last night which was lots of fun. It's been so long since
I've been on a military base. It was exciting. Sorry this update is so short.
The medication they gave me made me really tired so I had to rest a lot. I'm
feeling a lot better now though, so this next week should be really great! I'm
so excited for Christmas! It's
been so amazing to be on my mission for this Christmas season because I feel like I've really been able
to devote all of my attention to the Savior and to the real meaning of Christmas.
I feel like I've
learned a lot more about my Savior this week. He truly is so loving and perfect
and merciful. I've felt pretty weak these past few days, but I've felt His arms
around me, supporting me and I know that He still loves me. All He wants is for
me to do my best and that's what I've been striving to do. I know that He is
pleased with me and is so understanding of my weaknesses and short comings. I'm
so grateful for Him and for a loving Heavenly Father who was willing to send His
only begotten son to by our Savior. There's no greater Christmas gift out there! This gospel is so true! I love
you! Merry Christmas!
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