A no go for now...

So. Lucy did not get baptized this week. It's actually really okay though. She sent us a message last Monday night and said that she wasn't ready and that she was still having some commandment issues. It was really hard and sad to hear about, especially because she had made so much progress, but we understood. We weren't able to meet with her for a couple of days, but when we did finally meet with her it was amazing. Actually the second time we met with her was a little more amazing. The first time we saw her after Monday she said that she just wanted a little more time so we set another date for November 15th. However when we came back the second time she was just honest with us and told us that she didn't think she'd be ready and that she wanted to put off a baptismal date at this time so that she could really get ready to make this covenant. She realized that the consequences of messing up after baptism are a lot worse than messing up before. She knows there is repentance, she just wants to make sure she is ready for that commitment. We were really proud of her. It showed a lot of maturity that we hadn't quite seen before. We're still going to work with her really hard to help her to be ready and to help her lean on the Savior for support. I know she can do this!
We have a new investigator named Mickey who is really awesome! He referred himself on mormon.org and just requested a bible. So we took him one and he was really surprised. He thought he was just going to get it in the mail. He had recently started searching for God again and wanted a bible to study out of. He was very impressed at the hand delivery and then when we talked to him about the Book of Mormon he was also very interested. We gave him one and told him about how both the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon testified of Christ and how he could come closer to God through them. Then we set up a return appointment. When we went back we taught him the first half of the lesson on the Restoration. He totally understood dispensations and apostasies, which are a little hard to understand the very first time we teach about it. He got it right away though and then gave us examples like when the Children of Israel started worshiping the golden calf. It was amazing! Mickey is just so humble and open to the gospel. We were able to finish the last half of the Restoration lesson this past week and he is still very accepting. We're excited to teach him more!
We also went on exchange with our Sister Training Leaders which was a lot of fun. Those are always a very good learning experience. Sister Carbno and I stayed here with Sister Powell and Sister Lewis went to the 5th ward with Sister Call.
Scout is all ready to be baptized! She got interviewed this week and now we just need permission from the parents, which we're being told shouldn't be a problem. It should be great!
We totally saw a miracle on Halloween too! We had to go in after 6 and we were planning for the week. We were debating if we wanted to buy pizza or not to celebrate Halloween and stuff. We didn't really want to spend the money, but we decided to buy pizza anyway. So the pizza guy comes and the first thing he asks us when we open the door is if we're mormons. So we're like "Uh yeah! Have you heard of us before?" He totally had mormon friends and had gone to church in one of the Mansfield wards! We told him about the YSA ward and gave him a card. It was super cool! He had even been on mormon.org and watched some of the videos on there before. Heavenly Father truly has a plan for everything!
This week was a bit of a roller coaster but it was amazing! I know that God is truly aware of each of His children. I know that the atonement of Christ is real and that it is through His grace that we are able to change and become better. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to be out here to witness all these miracles and to feel of Christ's love. Being a missionary is great! Thanks for all your support! I love you!
-Sister Morrill


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