Cinco De Mayo

We've done a lot of work with members this week. We've been asking
members if they'd like to take the missionary discussions so that we
can 1)Strengthen their testimony 2)Practice our teaching and 3)Get
referrals. It seems to be working pretty well so far. Our members are
definitely starting to catch on to the missionary spirit because we've
got some referrals that we've got to go hunt down now.

 We've also been teaching Sarah a lot.She is doing so great and she is
progressing so much! It's been so amazing to see the changes that she
has made in her life. I am so proud of her! The Elders in our ward had
a baptism this week. It was so cool to see. I can't wait for Sarah to
get to that point! We also did some more work with "Tender Mercies".
She is so awesome! We helped her clean her house and pack up some
things. Then she decided to reward us by getting us some In N' Out
which Sister Gunson has so desperately been craving. It was pretty
good actually haha.

The work is progressing here! Sorry for the shortness of this e-mail,
my brain can't properly recall the week right now. The church is true!

-Sister Morrill


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