Awesome zone conference...

This week was long but good. Zone conference was awesome! It's always
so spiritual and it's such a pump up. We've found some more potential
investigators this week that we're excited about. Oh and after e-mails
last Monday we got a referral for a woman who has a friend getting
baptized in Detroit and was interested in learning more about the
church. So we immediately called her and set up an appointment, she
was really excited about it. We met with "El Salvador" on Friday and
it was so awesome! She was so excited to learn more, and before we
could really explain what the Book of Mormon was she was just like "Oh
I just want to read it!" She wasn't able to come to church on Sunday
but she seemed really interested and we're going to try to set up a
time to give her a church tour this week.

Sarah is doing awesome as well! Things seem to have finally calmed
down for her a little bit. We taught her about tithing yesterday and
she was so cool about it. She actually ended up teaching us some
things about it. Usually as missionaries we emphasize the blessings
part of tithing because 1) it's totally true and 2) some people have a
hard time with tithing. Sarah told us though that she doesn't really
want to do it just because of the blessings but because she wants to
be part of the "family" and she wants to do her part and help other
people. She is so prepared for this! I'm so excited to see her get
baptized on the 7th. She's also completely quit smoking and we're so
proud of her. She said she's been chewing a lot of gum though haha.

So those are just some highlights of the week. There were lots of
other little miracles this week that really helped us out, because it
was kind of a hard week too. It is so worth it though! This church is
so true and my testimony is strengthened every day by the wonderful
people we meet and the experiences that Sister Gunson and I have
together. I know the atonement is real and all encompassing. Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ love each and every one of us. No matter what.
The atonement is infinite in it's capacity and everyone can be
forgiven and changed if they have the desire to be. "While God's arm
of mercy is extended towards you, harden not your hearts." -Jacob 6:5.
I've seen it work in people's lives and it is wonderful. Sarah is
living proof of the power of the Atonement. It can do miracles! And I
say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thank you for all your support. I hope all is well. I love you.

Sister Morrill


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