
Showing posts from May, 2014
 My zone is crazy. Cross-eyed kitty!   So this week was kind of a pain. We found out on Tuesday that Sister Gunson would be training new missionary. Which meant that I was almost 100% sure leaving. I had very mixed feelings, mostly sad ones haha. I love Euless and all the people here. Sister Gunson is going to be a wonderful trainer though! She's got a pretty lucky newbie. Then for the rest of the week all of the appointments that we had scheduled punched. For really good reasons though. It was just hard because we were certain we were going to have this awesome week because all of our evenings were filled like a week in advance, which is like the first time that has ever happened. Then for whatever reason everyone had to cancel. The adversary is working hard, but we're not going to let him win. This week did have some awesome highlights though. We went on an exchange with a girl in the Tongan ward who is going on a mission in June! She was a lot of fun...

Awesome zone conference...

This week was long but good. Zone conference was awesome! It's always so spiritual and it's such a pump up. We've found some more potential investigators this week that we're excited about. Oh and after e-mails last Monday we got a referral for a woman who has a friend getting baptized in Detroit and was interested in learning more about the church. So we immediately called her and set up an appointment, she was really excited about it. We met with "El Salvador" on Friday and it was so awesome! She was so excited to learn more, and before we could really explain what the Book of Mormon was she was just like "Oh I just want to read it!" She wasn't able to come to church on Sunday but she seemed really interested and we're going to try to set up a time to give her a church tour this week. Sarah is doing awesome as well! Things seem to have finally calmed down for her a little bit. We taught her about tithing yesterd...

"I don't shake hands with women"

  This flag is flying across the freeway from our apartment.  :)   This week was kind of stressful but okay. Sarah has a lot going on in her life that we're trying to help her out with, as much as we possibly can considering we're just missionaries and not counselors. She's doing amazing though and she is basically off of cigarettes. She's so ready to get baptized and we just can't wait to help her get there.   We've found a new investigator who is really awesome.  The Elders in the Togan ward here referred her to us. We'll nickname her Sister P.  She seems really open to learning more and she's got a 12 year old daughter that we'll hopefully be able to teach as well. We went over the restoration with her, but it was more like a brief summary rather than a full on lesson. She's getting surgery sometime this week and then after that we'll be able to stop by and work with her since she won't be able to ...

Cinco De Mayo

We've done a lot of work with members this week. We've been asking members if they'd like to take the missionary discussions so that we can 1)Strengthen their testimony 2)Practice our teaching and 3)Get referrals. It seems to be working pretty well so far. Our members are definitely starting to catch on to the missionary spirit because we've got some referrals that we've got to go hunt down now.  We've also been teaching Sarah a lot.She is doing so great and she is progressing so much! It's been so amazing to see the changes that she has made in her life. I am so proud of her! The Elders in our ward had a baptism this week. It was so cool to see. I can't wait for Sarah to get to that point! We also did some more work with "Tender Mercies". She is so awesome! We helped her clean her house and pack up some things. Then she decided to reward us by getting us some In N' Out which Sister Gunson has so desperately been craving. It was...