Tender Mercies

 Biggest dog I have ever seen!

 Glad I don't live on this street!
This week was hard but awesome at the same time. Sister Gunson and I
are still getting used to each other, but we love each other and laugh
a lot. She has been a huge help to me already in so short of a time.
She's teaching me to work hard, but not at the cost of running myself
into the ground.

We were able to get into contact with a lot of less active members and
see how they are doing. We made huge progress with M&M who are a less
active couple in our ward. They actually came to church yesterday and
it was so awesome to see them there. We're going to start teaching
them the missionary discussions to help strengthen their testimonies.
It should be fun, they are so great. We also met a wonderful woman who
I am nicknaming "Tender Mercies" or "TM". She is a less active member
in our ward as well, and when we initially showed up at her door she
said she wasn't going to let us in. But then Sister Gunson looked at
the peephole the moment that TM was looking through, so TM thought she
had been spotted and opened the door. It was a super great lesson with
her. We had brought one of our ward missionaries with us and she
turned out to be the perfect woman to help TM. TM really opened up to
us about her life and it was great to see the testimony that she had
of the Savior and how much He has helped her out personally. I think
that's my favorite part of mission so far, is seeing how the gospel
applies to different people in different ways.

We were also able to set a baptismal date with Sarah! She is working
hard on sorting out her word of wisdom issues, and is doing so well.
Also her law of chastity issue just got resolved and we are so excited
for the progress that she is making. She is so strong and I am always
so proud of her every time we go and meet with her. She is so
determined to do this and it just makes me so happy.

We're still plugging away at helping the member missionary work in our
ward. Our members are so great and have such strong faith, we're just
trying to get them to share it with their friends. It's a scary thing
to do, but it is so worth it! I love this work! The church is true! I
know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us all to
return to live with Him. I know that He cares about us each as
individuals and that He wants nothing more than our happiness. I know
that Christ's true gospel has been restored and that Joseph Smith was
a prophet, and that there is a living prophet today.

Thank you all so much for your support!

Sister Morrill


  1. You really are awesome! It's great to see how much you've grown and how well you are doing. :)


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