
We are trying to find a time to meet with E. We try calling her but she never answers and her voicemail is full so we can't even leave a message. We're going to try going over there later to see if we can pick out a specific time to go talk to her. A is super busy because her sister got murdered last year and they're trying to go through the trial right now. We just try and stop by the dog park in her apartment complex to find and talk to her. We're going to try to set up a time to see her when we can though. B has gone MIA. We think he's done this before. We'll call him and then he'll just ramble on and on and then tell us that he'll text us at time to meet but he never does. We might try and go drop in on him sometime. J and M moved, they're in the Bedford area right now which is still in our Stake. The sisters over there are going to take over the English lessons though. D and J are doing amazing. D just recently went and did baptisms for the dead and even did her own family names. She's so great! She even came with us to teach S the other day. J is still working on getting everything settled that he needs to, but he comes to church every Sunday and is doing well. S got Sundays off!!! She told us on Thursday and was at church on Sunday. It was so great! She was so happy. We told her that she needs to pray and think about a date for her baptism. She's still got to figure out what to do with her boyfriend, so we told her to pray about that as well, and tell us a day that she feels she'll be ready to be baptized. So we're just going to keep working with her and encouraging her to make the right choices and stuff. She's doing great though, she's just feeling a little conflicted which is totally understandable.
This week we've been meeting with lots of members and less-active members. We've been doing youth lessons with a couple of awesome families in our ward. We're doing so much member work trying to get referrals, hopefully the seeds we've been planting with them will grow into people that we can teach and help bring closer to Jesus Christ and his gospel. We also met with S this week and had a good discussion with her about general conference and the prophet. She's so great. She already has a pretty awesome testimony. We're keeping busy here, the work is progressing!
Love, Lindsey


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