
Showing posts from June, 2015


 Hurrah for Ward Mission Leaders who send mom's pictures! :)  iPad Selfie!    She did this to spite me, I'm sure.  iPad Training...the WHOLE mission.  Where in the world is Lindsey Morrill?  Some of the Texas countryside.   This week was pretty good. None of the things that we planned to do really happened, but we were able to stay positive and maintain a good feeling. I know the people that we were able to meet with and teach felt the spirit and were changed.   We had a really good lesson with Logan and his mom on Tuesday. His mom has been struggling a bit with the word of wisdom, but is living every other commandment that she needs to. We were able to have a really good honest conversation with her about it. The spirit was with us so strongly, and I was able to feel it work through me and my companion. I am always so grateful for experiences like this. It is a witness to me that I am being an effective ...

Member Missionary!!

This week was pretty good! Sister Booher and I are doing well. She is hilarious and I just love her!   We found 3 new investigators which made us really happy. Well I guess we actually re-found Joseph. We stopped by his house and he and his mother were there. It was actually kind of strange because he just acted like nothing had happened. His mother who is a former investigator seemed interested in talking again. So we were able to teach them and we are going to see them again this week. I hope it goes well. God works in mysterious ways.    Then we also found this other lady whose name is Penny. She was a member referral. One of the members of the ward is pretty close friends with Penny. Penny didn't really want anything to do with Mormons the first time that she met this member. After they became friends she seemed to soften up a bit, but still wanted nothing to do with the missionaries. This member was finally able to get us over there because we offered...

Last Transfer Ever!

So transfer news is that neither Sister Booher or I are getting transferred! My final transfer will be here in Azle! Should be awesome, I'm really excited for what this next transfer is going to bring. We had a really good week this week! On Monday Logan taught us about the plan of salvation. It was so awesome! He gave us all these awesome hand outs that he came up with by himself. He also blessed the sacrament this week in both the Azle ward and in the YSA. I'm so proud of him! He's going to keep doing amazing things! We were also able to meet with Maverick again this week. He's gone to the YSA branch twice now and seems to really enjoy it there! We're excited for him. We got to teach him about the restoration and Logan and his mom came to help us teach. They did really well and Maverick and Caleb seem to be good friends already. Logan is truly blessing a lot of people's lives here!   We're still trying hard to find more people to teach. We...


    This week was a bit stressful to be honest, however I feel that I've learned lots of good things from it. Basically our week went absolutely nothing like we had planned. Our district leader told us that God just had a different plan than we did. I think that's true. We were able to provide a lot of service this week which was really good. We serve regularly here at the local food pantry and we were able to come in on days when they were really understaffed and were able to help out a lot. We also had the chance to help a new member of the ward move in. It was a good missionary opportunity because his wife is not a member of the church and now she knows that there's a good community of people here who are willing to help them.   We also had a big mission wide training on the iPad's that we'll be receiving this week! It was really good and spiritual. They talked a lot about how the skills we learn about technology on our missions will help us to us...