
Showing posts from May, 2015

Stuck in the mud

Logan got baptized! It was really great! All the speakers at his baptism did wonderful. They were very spirit led. The ordinance itself was a little funny because Logan is a kind of big guy and the person baptizing him is quite a bit smaller than him. Plus the font was draining a little during the program so by the time they got in the water it was about mid thigh on Logan. So when it came time to actually perform the baptism, Logan slipped and basically was just dropped into the water. It probably shouldn't have been funny...but it was kind of funny. :)    We also had interviews with President Ames this week which was really great. As usual. I had been worrying about the fact that I was going to be going home soon, but he was able to reassure me that going home isn't the scariest thing in the world, and that I really didn't have a ton to worry about. So yay! Now I feel like I can really just focus on making the remainder of my time on the mis...

sorry, this seems like a lame email....

We had a really good week this week! We were able to teach a lot of new people and we were also able to teach Logan quite a bit. Logan is still going strong and is still set to be baptized this Saturday ! We're so excited! I just know that his heart is so sincere and that he's really ready to make this commitment. What's also really cool is that on the same day as his baptism the primary is having a family primary temple trip where they're going to get to meet the temple president and tour the grounds of the temple. Logan and his mom are going to get to go too! I just know it will be such a wonderful experience for them, and will really help them both to set their eyes on the temple!  I'm just so excited for them and for how they are accepting the gospel and letting it change their lives! That's probably one of my favorite things about being a missionary is seeing how the gospel has changed people's lives. It's always so individual and so pe...

The book is blue...and also true!

This week was pretty dang great! Although we did get sick, so that wasn't as great. It still turned out to be a really good week though. We set a baptism date with Logan! He will be getting baptized on May 23rd ! He is seriously so ready for it. He actually wanted to be baptized on the 11th, but we still had to teach him everything so sadly we had to suggest a later day. He's just so awesome! That's really my only exciting news. Since we got sick we weren't able to get out and work as much as I would have liked. We spent some time visiting members of the ward and less active members. We're currently working on getting in contact with a lot of our investigators because they seem to have disappeared. Joseph and Michael have both sort of disappeared. I'm confident though that we'll be able to get in touch with them again and at least see where they are at. Sister Booher and I are getting a long really well. I just love her! She helps ...

This week...

This week has been really good. Sister Booher is awesome! She is so hilarious and we are having lots of fun together. Let's see. We taught Logan this week about the plan of salvation. He's so solid. He just told us that it all makes sense to him. We asked him when he thought he'd be ready to be baptized and he told he'd think about it. We're going to see him on Tuesday and we're hoping he'll have a day in mind. We met with Joseph as well, he's going through a really hard time right now. We also tried to contact a lot of people but didn't see a ton of success. We'll just keep on trying. The work is really picking up in this area though, I know that we're going to see a lot of miracles this transfer. Thanks for your support. Sorry this is so short! The gospel is true! Love, Sister Morrill