If I May Be So Bold....

Me and Sister Larsen
This week has been quite the week with it's share of ups and downs.

Unfortunately we didn't get to see a lot people this week because we had a lot of meetings. However, we were able to see Felix and the experience we had with him was miraculous. He came to institute and the lesson was about what we need to do to strengthen our testimonies and just improve in general. In the middle of the lesson I could see him taking a lot of notes. Afterwards he showed us what he'd been writing. Essentially it was a game plan of what he needed to do to become more active in the gospel. He told us that his fire was lit and that he was pumped to do these things. It was really amazing to see. He truly was blessed with revelation for those things. Sadly we haven't even been able to see him since, but I've learned on my mission that we just have to celebrate those small victories.
We had zone conference on Friday which was amazing. President Ames is so inspired! As a mission we're really working on becoming unified with the wards so that we can really lift the Texas Forth Worth mission to higher grounds.

The work is truly moving forward at an accelerated pace. Are you helping with this great and marvelous work? If not, please reconsider and help find those souls who are searching for the light of the gospel. There's a really awesome scripture I found today in my studies. It's in 1 Nephi chapter 22, verses 11 and 12

11 Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to make bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations, in bringing about his covenants and his gospel unto those who are of the house of Israel.
 12 Wherefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and they shall be gathered together to the lands of their inheritance; and they shall be brought out of obscurity and out of darkness; and they shall know that the Lord is their Savior and their Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel.

For those of you who are participating members of Christ's gospel, please know that we are the arm that the Lord God is making bare. We are here to help bring about his covenants and gospel to the rest of Heavenly Father's children on the Earth so that they may know that the "Lord is their Savior and Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel".

For those of you are members of this gospel, but are not actively participating, please know that the Savior is still there and that his arm of mercy is always extended towards you. He loves you so much. Is whatever issue you are having with the gospel worth not being able to feel of the Savior's love? Is it worth not being able to renew your covenants every Sunday? There is always a way. There is always hope and peace and it is found in living actively the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's not always easy in this ever darkening world, but it is worth it. It is full of peace and safety and joy. You are never forgotten and you are never ever lost.

For those of you who are not members of this gospel. Please come and learn! The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored! It was restored through a living prophet and we still have a living prophet today to lead us and guide us. We have another testament of Christ called the Book of Mormon. It backs up the bible and is proof that God still inspires men today as he has in earlier times. We have a loving Heavenly Father of flesh and bones who sent His only begotten son to die and atone for our sins. Because of this we can learn and grow and have happiness. We can overcome death and we will all be resurrected one day. Please consider what this would mean in your lives.

I know that everything I have said is true. Not because I said it, but because the spirit of the Lord has revealed it to me. These are precious truths that are worth sharing and living. God is so good and so loving. All He wants is for each of His children to return to live with Him again. However he will never force us. It's all our choice. Please consider it. I know that this gospel is true. I love all of you so much!

-Sister Morrill


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