
Showing posts from January, 2015

Another week of Miracles

     Hello! Baby Goats!   This week has been really amazing and has really increased my testimony of the fact that God loves me and truly watches over me. So first. On Monday we went to the Topsey Safari again. I forgot to tell y'all that last week. It was so much fun! There was a camel there that wasn't there last time! So we had lots of fun at that. Then that evening and for the next morning I was feeling kind of bummed about things. Nothing in particular, just feeling down. Then at emails the next day I got an email from a good friend that was just basically everything I needed to hear in that moment. It was great. Next miracle was Felix! He's doing a lot better now. He's got a lot to work on, but he's actually striving to work on it! He had an "aha" moment with the atonement this week that was wonderful. We were teaching him at the YSA dinner that we have almost every Thursday here. We knew that it'd be a good...

If I May Be So Bold....

Me and Sister Larsen   This week has been quite the week with it's share of ups and downs. Unfortunately we didn't get to see a lot people this week because we had a lot of meetings. However, we were able to see Felix and the experience we had with him was miraculous. He came to institute and the lesson was about what we need to do to strengthen our testimonies and just improve in general. In the middle of the lesson I could see him taking a lot of notes. Afterwards he showed us what he'd been writing. Essentially it was a game plan of what he needed to do to become more active in the gospel. He told us that his fire was lit and that he was pumped to do these things. It was really amazing to see. He truly was blessed with revelation for those things. Sadly we haven't even been able to see him since, but I've learned on my mission that we just have to celebrate those small victories. We had zone conference on Friday which was amazing. President ...

Captains Log, January 12, 2015

This week was full of spiritual moments that I am so grateful for! I feel like I've really grown in my capacity to feel and recognize the spirit and to also follow it's promptings. Because we listened to the spirit we were able to make a really good contact with a man named Martin. We were out searching for a YSA member and decided to ask Martin if he knew if the person we were looking forward lived there (Martin lives just across the street from the person we were trying to find). He told us he didn't know and then we offered him a card. He was like "Please do" so we asked if we was looking for a church and he told us that he was so I pulled out a restoration pamphlet and told him about it. He said he'd call us. Since we weren't technically in our area at the moment we had to refer him to the Elders who do cover that area. It was just so great to meet him and it really lifted our spirits that day. On Thursday we had a little dinner get...

A week of Miracles and Ugly Ducklings

Turkey ducks??  Whatever these are, they're pretty odd looking!     Tuesday was like miracle day! It was awesome! First we found a panda express gift card for 15 dollars in the car. That was pretty sweet. But then we were out trying to contact a former investigator but she wasn't home. As we're going to the car I realized there was a house just a few feet down where Sister Tuna and I had contacted this guy who had recently returned from Afghanistan. We'd driven past this house a couple of times and every time we drove by I thought about him and felt like we should try contacting him again, even though I felt really awkward about it. So I tell Sister Larsen about it and she's like "Yeah! Let's go contact him." As we get closer to the house we're debating on what we should say to him, because the contact had been a little while ago and we didn't want to appear to be too weird. After a couple minutes of debating we final...