
Showing posts from June, 2014

Yeah...I'm short

Me and Sister Loveland We went on exchanges with our sister training leaders. It was pretty good. I went with Sister Loveland, who actually trained Sister Bangs so that was pretty funny. I took her place in Euless so it was cool to come here and have her be my sister training leader. We met with Lucy this week and she is determined to quit smoking. She wasn't able to make it to church this week. She's going through a hard time in her family and we're hoping to see her soon so that we can get an update and help in any way that we can. We're still working with Sister Olive and encouraging her to strengthen her testimony and make it to church. Now we're going to start focusing on helping the rest of the family so that they can support her. We were also able to meet with Bobby and Mary, they're doing really well. We talked with Bobby about the organization of the church and she was able to teach it back to us at the lesson after th...

The work continues....

We had an awesome lesson with Lucy and her less active boyfriend. Our zone leaders called us and said that they had set an appointment with them, because Lucy's boyfriend lives in their ward. They invited us to come along and help teach the lesson. It was so awesome and spiritual! We taught about receiving revelation through church attendance. Lucy bore such powerful testimony of Joseph Smith and said that she knows this church is true. Now we're just trying to work with her word of wisdom issues, and are waiting to see what her and her boyfriend are going to decide to do about marriage and stuff. We've also been working really hard with a less active woman and her family. We meet with Sister O a couple times a week. Her and her family are interested in going to the temple, but haven't been to church in a couple of months. Sister O is getting more and more determined to go to church though, even if it means she has to leave her son and husband at home. We...


This week was a bit crazy! Satan was working hard, but that's okay. Lucy decided to fall off the face of the planet, it's hard to contact her because she doesn't have a phone that accepts phone calls. We were able to meet with her cousin this week, who's been our best source of contact with her. Her cousin is so great and so accepting of us, unfortunately they just moved to Weatherford. That's okay though because the missionaries there will find them and will help them out. Lucy didn't make it to church on Sunday either, which was a little sad, but we're hoping to get in contact with her soon and see what's going on. We had the opportunity to meet with our other investigator "Bobby" and her sister "Mary". Mary likes to ask us some pretty random questions, but they're both very sincere and like learning more about the gospel. Bobby really loves the gospel. We watched the 20 minute Joseph Smith movie about the first visi...
This week was a little chaotic, especially the weekend. We had interviews with President Ames on Wednesday . It was really awesome. He gave me a lot of good advice. We set a baptismal date with one of our investigators this week! I'm calling her Lucy. She's going to get baptized June 28 . She is determined to do it, despite some of the challenges that she's going to have to overcome. I'm always so amazed to see how faith in Jesus Christ and his gospel can change someone and give them the strength to overcome hard things. Lucy has been meeting with missionaries for about a year now and she has such a strong testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. She's got two kids that are interested and have testimonies also. Lucy even came to church yesterday ! She is too awesome. She's had a hard life and is so humble and willing to turn to the Lord because of it. She has taught me so much already. I find that I always seem to learn something new...

A punch in the nose!

This week was a little hectic haha. On my last Day in Euless we were able to visit with Sarah one last time. It was really nice. I love her so much! I'm going to miss her. Then Wednesday was transfers. Arlington is a nice place. Our area is huge though! I don't know how I'll ever learn where I'm going. Sister Inoke is awesome! She is hilarious and very kind. This is going to be a good transfer. The week was so hectic though because when I got here we had to move apartments, and our apartment is now about five miles outside our area. Then since it was towards the end of the month we were running a little low on miles, so we had to walk...a lot. I got a nice tan though, I didn't even think that was possible haha. This ward is great though! It seems to be quite a lot of empty nester types, and there's a lot of single sisters as well. They're all so friendly though. I got told about 20 times that I looked really was great haha. We've...