Yeah...I'm short
Me and Sister Loveland We went on exchanges with our sister training leaders. It was pretty good. I went with Sister Loveland, who actually trained Sister Bangs so that was pretty funny. I took her place in Euless so it was cool to come here and have her be my sister training leader. We met with Lucy this week and she is determined to quit smoking. She wasn't able to make it to church this week. She's going through a hard time in her family and we're hoping to see her soon so that we can get an update and help in any way that we can. We're still working with Sister Olive and encouraging her to strengthen her testimony and make it to church. Now we're going to start focusing on helping the rest of the family so that they can support her. We were also able to meet with Bobby and Mary, they're doing really well. We talked with Bobby about the organization of the church and she was able to teach it back to us at the lesson after th...