Week 3 - Progress!
So a last week after emails, we went and taught a couple from egypt who
speak arabic, so we teach them english, I can't remember if I've told you about
them or not. Their names are J and M.
We've also had a bunch of Sister Ward missionaries called so on Tuesday we went and met with all of them
to get to know them better. We also had district meeting where I had to give a
training on learning to follow the promptings of the holy ghost. It went pretty
well. Sister Robertson is one of our ward missionaries and she's just so
awesome, I love her. She's really funny and just laid back so I like that.
On Wednesday we actually
found a new investigator! He used to a be a former investigator but was too
difficult to schedule with and now his schedule has gotten a lot better. His
name is Bar, he's from south Sudan. We took a sister from the ward with us
to meet him because he lives alone and she turned out to be the perfect person
to take. Her name is Sister Beck and she used to be a missionary, Bar asked
a really hard question that Sister Bangs and I just weren't sure how to answer
and Sister Beck was able to answer him. He has a BoM in Arabic and said he was
going to start reading it after we told him that would help him gain a testimony
of Joseph Smith. It was a really awesome lesson. After that we went and helped a
sister in our ward organize her apartment.
Not a lot happened on Thursday because that is our weekly planning day. Friday we went and met with less
actives in the ward and met a really neat lady by the name of L.M..
She's starting to become more active and she's like a religious scholar though
she doesn't have a degree or anything.
Saturday we did some more
service. We raked leaves for D and J. D was just recently baptized and is
super spiritual and already has a super strong testimony. J is a less active
who through De is becoming more active. It's been really amazing to
Sunday was awesome. We had a
great sacrament meeting. Our ward mission leader Brother Pratchett is crazy but
awesome, so we've had some interesting meetings with him. After church we ate
dinner at Sister F's house, she's a single mom who has recently become
more active in the church. Our mission president held a fireside this day for
new converts and investigators and we got to go because D was called on to
bear her testimony at the meeting. So sister F drove us over there and
came with us to it. It was really cool! President gave a talk about the plan of
salvation and about baptism. It's been a pretty decent week.
Love, Lindsey
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