First week in Texas!

Well, she made it!  I was thinking her mission president and wife must be really tall...but she assures me she is just shorter than I remember.  She's only been gone a couple of weeks...did she shrink?? Sounds like she had a great first week.  Here is what she had to say her first P-day:

"I'd say the mission pres. and his wife are about average height, you might have just forgotten how short I am haha. They're really awesome though, Sister Christensen and I got to stay in the mission home the night before transfers and they took good care of us. Texas is awesome, and everywhere haha, it's like they're afraid you'll forget where you are.

My companion is Sister Bangs and I love her already. We have similar family situations and like almost all the same food and I think it's going to be good with her. She's only been out three months but she's so awesome at it. I hope I can get like that soon. We're driving in a car here, as the jr. companion I get to be the one who stands out in the cold and makes sure that Sister Bangs doesn't back into's great sorta. It's just the two of us in our apartment. 

I didn't get to teach my first real lesson until Saturday! We had all these appointments lined up but they kept cancelling. I think it went pretty well though, considering the lady is married to a member so she has lots of crazy questions that I wasn't really prepared for. They're really nice people and such a cute little family. We met with another investigator yesterday and committed her to baptism on March 22nd. She's already had the missionary discussions like a billions times so she was super prepared and ready. Plus her kids are all baptized so it was really cool. Other than that we just spent a lot of time meeting with members from the ward and visiting less active people. We also have a couple from Egypt that we're helping teach English. They're super cute and sweet. Uhm that's all I can think of for the moment."


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